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Pemenjaraan Jolovan Wham Melanggar Hak untuk Perdamaian

Singapura: Hentikan Keyakinan Aktivis Terkemuka

Pemenjaraan Jolovan Wham Melanggar Hak untuk Perdamaian

Otoritas Singapura harus segera membatalkan hukuman terhadap aktivis hak asasi manusia Jolovan Wham yang melanggar haknya untuk berkumpul secara damai, kata Human Rights Watch hari ini. Pada tanggal 20 Agustus 2020, Pengadilan Banding menegakkan konstitusionalitas persyaratan lisensi Undang-Undang Ketertiban Umum yang kejam untuk izin menyelenggarakan majelis publik. Hukuman penjara 10 hari Wham diizinkan untuk dilanjutkan.

Pada November 2016, Wham, 39, menyelenggarakan acara dalam ruangan yang disebut "Pembangkangan Sipil dan Gerakan Sosial" untuk sekitar 50 peserta, termasuk aktivis demokrasi hak asasi Hong Kong Joshua Wong, yang berbicara melalui Skype. Hampir tiga tahun kemudian, pada Januari 2019, Pengadilan Tinggi memvonis Wham karena “menyelenggarakan pertemuan umum tanpa izin,” karena dia tidak memiliki izin bagi orang asing untuk berbicara di acara tersebut. Wham juga dihukum karena menolak menandatangani pernyataan polisi, dengan alasan polisi menolak memberikan salinannya. Hukum hak asasi manusia internasional melarang penerapan hukuman pidana untuk mengatur atau berpartisipasi dalam pertemuan damai.

“Tampaknya tidak ada satu hari pun yang berlalu di Singapura tanpa pihak berwenang yang muncul dengan alasan baru yang absurd untuk menolak hak orang atas kebebasan berbicara dan berkumpul,” kata Phil Robertson, wakil direktur Asia di Human Rights Watch. “Orang akan berpikir bahwa pihak berwenang memiliki hal yang lebih penting untuk dilakukan daripada menuntut Jolovan Wham karena mengizinkan aktivis demokrasi asing berbicara di sebuah acara.”

Karena melanggar pasal 16 (1) (a) Undang-Undang Ketertiban Umum, Wham dijatuhi denda S $ 2.000 (US $ 1.500) atau 10 hari penjara. Dia memilih untuk menjalani hukuman penjara sebagai pengganti membayar denda. Karena menolak menandatangani pernyataan polisi, yang melanggar pasal 180 KUHP, Wham didenda S $ 1.200 (US $ 900), yang dia katakan kepada Human Rights Watch bahwa dia telah membayar.

Wham telah mengajukan banding atas kedua putusan tersebut ke pengadilan tertinggi Singapura, dan bandingnya dibatalkan pada tanggal 25 Oktober 2019. Dalam putusan baru-baru ini, Pengadilan Banding menolak klaim Wham bahwa persyaratan perizinan Undang-Undang Ketertiban Umum bertentangan dengan jaminan konstitusional Singapura untuk kebebasan berbicara berdasarkan pasal 14 (1) (b) Konstitusi, yang melindungi hak semua warga negara untuk "berkumpul secara damai tanpa senjata."

Otoritas Singapura sering menuntut Wham karena aktivisme damai-nya. Dia menjalani tujuh hari penjara pada bulan April alih-alih membayar denda S $ 5.000 (US $ 3.700) untuk penghinaan pengadilan, yang diduga dilakukan dalam komentar Facebook yang membandingkan pengadilan Singapura dengan Malaysia. Wham mengatakan bahwa dia menolak untuk membayar denda itu karena dia "tidak mengakui keabsahan putusan dan hukum, keduanya tidak adil."

“[Saya] seharusnya tidak pernah menjadi pelanggaran untuk mengatakan kebenaran Anda,” katanya. “Penindasan dan penganiayaan selama beberapa dekade telah menghasilkan normalisasi ketakutan. Hal ini sangat dinormalisasi sehingga kami menjadi acuh tak acuh terhadap ketidakadilan, terutama ketidakadilan politik dan ancaman terhadap hak-hak sipil kami. Kami telah mengabaikannya begitu banyak sehingga seiring waktu, kami menjadi mati rasa, alih-alih merasa marah. Jika kita tidak dapat berbicara, berkumpul dengan bebas, dan berkampanye tanpa melihat dari balik bahu kita, reformasi yang kita inginkan hanya dapat dilakukan dengan syarat mereka yang berkuasa. Kami harus menunggu saat mereka siap. Semua ini bisa memakan waktu bertahun-tahun, dekade, atau tidak pernah sama sekali. "

Wham juga menghadapi dakwaan berdasarkan Undang-Undang Ketertiban Umum karena mengadakan aksi berjaga di luar Penjara Changi pada Juli 2019 untuk terpidana mati, dan karena ikut mengatur protes diam-diam di kereta bawah tanah Singapura untuk memperingati ulang tahun ketiga puluh penangkapan dan penahanan 22 orang. aktivis dan sukarelawan di bawah Internal Security Act 1987. Penuntutan atas tuduhan ini sedang berlangsung.

Polisi juga memanggil Wham pada bulan Mei karena memegang tanda karton dengan "wajah tersenyum" yang digambar tangan sebagai bentuk solidaritas dengan pengunjuk rasa perubahan iklim, sekali lagi diduga melanggar Undang-Undang Ketertiban Umum. Tidak jelas apakah dia akan menghadapi dakwaan atas tindakan itu.

Tanggapan pemerintah Singapura terhadap aktivisme damai Wham adalah upaya terang-terangan untuk membungkam pembela hak asasi manusia yang vokal, kata Human Rights Watch. Aktivis hak asasi manusia di Singapura secara teratur menghadapi pelecehan, intimidasi, dan tuduhan tidak berdasar karena mengungkapkan pandangan mereka secara terbuka dan mengatur pertemuan damai.

“Pemerintah Singapura memainkan permainan kasar 'tembak pembawa pesan' melawan reformis sosial yang opini dan kritiknya tidak disukai,” kata Robertson. “Pemerintah harus membatalkan semua tuduhan terhadap Wham dan mengubah Undang-Undang Ketertiban Umum agar sejalan dengan standar hak asasi manusia internasional untuk kebebasan berkumpul.”

15 Best Twitter Accounts to Learn About idn slot habanero

IDN Slot Habanero is a brand that is popular with many casinos in the United States and in particular those in the Las Vegas area. A quick look at the IDN site will show you that they are a leader in the IDN slot machine industry.

It is clear that the IDN slot habanero is designed with the needs of the casino in mind. The company is an industry leader, and has been for a very long time. Many of its competitors have failed to stay in business, or have been forced out due to rising competition.

You can see the IDN SlotHabano logo on the main screen when you first visit the site. This helps to give you a good idea of what this slot machine manufacturer is all about. This is not the type of casino you would want to play your slot machines on. It has more than five thousand slots and is the largest slot manufacturer in North America.

The slot habanero is one of the easiest slot machines to operate. You do not even need a guide. In fact, you probably won't even need to use any type of machine-based software or interface to get started.

Slot games are much easier to set up and manage than some of the other types of machines, since it Learn more is much easier to just hit the buttons. However, the slot habanero has a variety of different features that make it an attractive option.

One of the key features of the IDN SlotHabano is that it is one of the few slots machines that has a three-deck system. This allows it to offer a variety of different game styles. When you play these machines, you can bet on a variety of different games.

For example, you can play roulette, poker, blackjack, bingo, slots, and the like, depending on what is available for you to play in the specific casino you play it at. The slot habanero also features several unique machines, including the Power Slot, which is a machine where you can pay to put a number on and wait to get a card back.

Another important feature of the slot habanero is that it offers free online game play. If you want to play slot games in your home, then this machine can be used. However, it is recommended that you play at a casino that offers online casino games. Some of the other slot machines that feature on the IDN slot habanero can be expensive and can be quite expensive if you don't have access to an internet connection in your home.

Many people enjoy playing slot machines at home because it allows them to sit down with friends or family and play without having to leave their homes. Since the slot habanero is so popular, there are a lot of slot machines in most casinos across North America. You can go online to find out about them.

One of the best things about the slot habanero is that you are able to pay to place a bet on it, as well as to receive tickets to show off what you have won. That means you do not have to stand around waiting for people to pay for your money. to come by and cash in. This can be a great way to save money in the long run.

The slot machine is a very fun way to pass the time and not have to worry about waiting for people to pay. When you choose to play at a casino that features slot machines, you can be assured of winning.

In addition to slot machines, the slot habanero is one of the biggest manufacturers of machines that play high rollers. There are also slots that will pay for you to put your money into so that you can earn a nice profit.

Many people play slot games at home or at casinos and they have no idea where to start. If you want to get started, look for information about the slot habanero in your area. You might be surprised at how easy it is to learn how to play slot games. This type of machine is relatively simple to operate.

Will idn slot habanero Ever Rule the World?

IDN Slot Habanero is a brand that is popular with many casinos in the United States and in particular those in the Las Vegas area. A quick look at the IDN site will show you that they are a leader in the IDN slot machine industry.

It is clear that the IDN slot habanero is designed with the needs of the casino in mind. The company is an industry leader, and has been for a very long time. Many of its competitors have failed to stay in business, or have been forced out due to rising competition.

You can see the IDN SlotHabano logo on the main screen when you first visit the site. This helps to give you a good idea of what this slot machine manufacturer is all about. This is not the type of casino you would want to play your slot machines on. It has more than five thousand slots and is the largest slot manufacturer in North America.

The slot habanero is one of the easiest slot machines to operate. You do not even need a guide. In fact, you probably won't even need to use any type of machine-based software or interface to get started.

Slot games are much easier to set up and manage than some of the other types of machines, Learn more since it is much easier to just hit the buttons. However, the slot habanero has a variety of different features that make it an attractive option.

One of the key features of the IDN SlotHabano is that it is one of the few slots machines that has a three-deck system. This allows it to offer a variety of different game styles. When you play these machines, you can bet on a variety of different games.

For example, you can play roulette, poker, blackjack, bingo, slots, and the like, depending on what is available for you to play in the specific casino you play it at. The slot habanero also features several unique machines, including the Power Slot, which is a machine where you can pay to put a number on and wait to get a card back.

Another important feature of the slot habanero is that it offers free online game play. If you want to play slot games in your home, then this machine can be used. However, it is recommended that you play at a casino that offers online casino games. Some of the other slot machines that feature on the IDN slot habanero can be expensive and can be quite expensive if you don't have access to an internet connection in your home.

Many people enjoy playing slot machines at home because it allows them to sit down with friends or family and play without having to leave their homes. Since the slot habanero is so popular, there are a lot of slot machines in most casinos across North America. You can go online to find out about them.

One of the best things about the slot habanero is that you are able to pay to place a bet on it, as well as to receive tickets to show off what you have won. That means you do not have to stand around waiting for people to pay for your money. to come by and cash in. This can be a great way to save money in the long run.

The slot machine is a very fun way to pass the time and not have to worry about waiting for people to pay. When you choose to play at a casino that features slot machines, you can be assured of winning.

In addition to slot machines, the slot habanero is one of the biggest manufacturers of machines that play high rollers. There are also slots that will pay for you to put your money into so that you can earn a nice profit.

Many people play slot games at home or at casinos and they have no idea where to start. If you want to get started, look for information about the slot habanero in your area. You might be surprised at how easy it is to learn how to play slot games. This type of machine is relatively simple to operate.